SSB2 SpongeBob (Super SpongeBob 2 SpongeBob) is a Fraymakers character based on the SpongeBob SquarePants series created by Stephen Hillenburg and Nickelodeon. This version of SpongeBob however comes from the fangame Super SpongeBob 2 which is also made by the same creator. Some of his attacks directly come from said game.
SpongeBob is a generalist character with the ability to play aggressively and defensively. He has good up close combo moves but also some helpful disjoint attacks to help with matchups.
His animation style is unique as it's styled after the limiting 8-bit style with some smoothness squash and stretch per frame.
SSB2 SpongeBob has a completely broken Echo Fighter referred to as GG (Game Genie) SpongeBob. (Playing off the fact that SSB2 and SSB2 SpongeBob are based on the 8-Bit Nintendo Entertainment System). Scroll down to read more about their differences.
SSB2 SpongeBob is legal while GG SpongeBob is not.
Grabs and Throws[]
Misc Attacks[]
Game Genie SpongeBob[]
This SpongeBob is a completely broken version of SSB2 SpongeBob powered by a Game Genie. He will beat your ass and you can't do anything about it anymore. The basic explanation is that SpongeBob harnessed the power of a Game Genie and used it to change his attacks to be outright broken and unfair.
The differences are listed here:
- Normals:
- - Down Tilt and Forward Air goes farther.
- - Forward Smash slides farther.
- Specials:
- - Up Special goes higher but lacks a hitbox.
- - Completely new Neutral Special.
- Neutral Special is now "Marble Pillar"
- SpongeBob must BE THE MARBLE. This attack absorbs projectiles.
- - Completely new Side Special.
- Side Special is now "Bubble Gun"
- SpongeBob quickly shoots 3 Bubbles back to back from his gun.
- Throws:
- Forward Throw is stronger.
- Down Throw Spikes
- Game Genie has a 9th alt.
2.0.0 - The Chaotic Update[]
- Running has a weak hitbox in front of him.
- Down Special is bigger and has a giant reflector.
- Comes out quicker.
- BAir lasts longer and has a bit of a stronger spike.
- FAir/DTilt fist hitbox is bigger.
- FAir/DTilt sweetspots now stun.
- Dash Attack hits more times.
- Air Dodge/Dash and Wavedashing go farther.
- Jab is now a quick spammable one hit attack.
- Grab is quicker.
- Rolling and running have different animations.
- Has a third jump.
- Changed ground movement.
V3.0.0 - Actual broken now[]
- NASB Nair. :)
- Gay Gene Sockbox has SNAIR (Aerial + Strong/Special).
- Fair grab ledge more.
- grabby hands in the air.
- Land light has only 1 frame now.
- Down Special is faster and bigger.
- Up Special spikes.
- Weight buff.
- Don't get grabbed.
- Down Strong movement funny.
- Forward Smash long.
V3.1.0 - The Kactus Patch
- Up Throw in air go down
- Grab hit more ouchy
- Up Special + Down = funny angles
- mash Jab it's funny
- Neutral Special in Air give jump back :)
GG V3.1.1 - sparkles
- added sparkle effect to him
V3.2.0 - The "He Needed It" Patch
- Up Tilt go brr, move to steer
- Down Tilt quick
- 2 Frame jump squat
- Grab is bigger, he needed it
- He can grab multiple opponents, he needed it
- Nerfed forward tilt, it was too good :(
- I forgot the rest tbh...
- (~) Release year has been updated to "2023".
Patch Notes:[]
- (~) Bubble spawns lower now. Unsure if this a nerf or a buff yet.
- "It felt weird how high Bubble spawned related to SpongeBob, I hope this makes more sense for the players"
- (+) Down Special reaches outwards by 4 more pixels.
- (+) Down Special has 7 more frames of hitstun (50 -> 57).
- (-) Down Special has less base knockback (85 -> 65).
- "I was told that Down Special was pretty balanced, however it could reach out a bit more. I did exactly that, but not in a way that this stun would be busted."
- (+) Parry was increased by 2 frames to match the universal change.
- (*) Tweaked how SpongeBob's custom sounds were handled to match the coding change.
- (*) Bubbles now properly act like bubbles where they pop when hit instead of using unintended behavior.
- (-) Up Special's hitbox now properly goes away after SpongeBob stops glowing pink.
- (~) ! EMERGENCY PATCH ! Adds a proper hurtbox to SpongeBob's Down Strong charge state.
V5.0.0 - The feedback patch[]
- (+) Forward Air damage increase. (3 Arm - 5 Fist -> 5 Arm - 8 Fist)
- (+) Increased the startup auto-cancel for Forward Air by 4 frames.
- (+) Forward Air comes out slightly quicker ( F.20 - F.17 )
- (+) Down Special hitbox comes out slightly quicker. ( F.47 -> F.40 )
- (+) Down Special has more hitstun. ( 57 -> 65 )
- (+) Back Air is stronger. ( BKB.60 -> BKB.75 )
- (+) Back Air comes out quicker. ( F.24 -> F.19 )
- (+) Down Strong has a more horizontal knockback angle. ( A.70 -> A.50 )
- (+) Down Strong has more knockback. ( BKB.65 -> BKB.70 )
- (+) Side Special now has the ability to reflect projectiles.
- (+) Side Special has less endlag. ( F.36 - F.58 -> F.36 - F.49 )
- (+) Final hit of Up Air is stronger. ( BKB.55 -> BKB.75 )
- (~) Removed the jump sound from Ledge Jump.
V6.0.0 - Buffs will go straight to your thighs, and then you'll blow up.[]
- (+) Forward Throw is now his strongest throw ( BKB.70 KBG.45 -> BKB.60 KBG.65 )
- (+) Forward Throw sends at a straighter angle ( A.45 -> A.38 )
- (-) Up Throw is no longer his kill throw, Up Throw has been retooled into a combo throw. (BKB.75 KBG.65 -> BKB.55 KBG.45 )
- (+) Up Throw has less endlag.
- (+) Up Throw sends straight up now ( A.95 -> A.90 )
- (+) SpongeBob can dash dance properly now.
- He used to have a stroke when trying to do one, but he can now do it.
- (+) Forward Air's Fist sweetspot is bigger.
- (+) Down Smash sends at a lower angle ( 50 -> 40 )
- (~) His gravity multiplier as been reduced by one ( 0.6 -> 0.7 ).
- Unsure if this is a nerf or a buff yet.
- (~) His Up Air & Up Special boost has been adjusted to compensate for this change.
V6.0.1 - The "I'm a dumbass and forgot to fix Ledge Attack Patch" Patch
- (+) Added more inv frames to SpongeBob's Ledge Attack.
- (~) Fixed the issue of ghost frames on Aerial Down Special.
V7.0.0 - The SpunchBop buffs are plentiful.[]
- (+) Down Special comes out quicker ( F.41 > F.31 )
- (+) Down Special is bigger.
- (+) Down Special is stronger. ( BKB.65 KBG.30 > BKB.75 KBG.50 )
- (-) Down Special now has a cooldown so you can't spam it into itself due to the attack being faster.
- (+) Down Strong is faster ( F.19 > F.10 )
- (+) Down Strong hitbox is slightly wider.
- (+) You can now drift yourself in the air with Down Strong.
- (+) Dash Attack has slightly modified hitboxes to connect better
- (+) Dash Attack no longer reverse hits.
- (+) Bubble goes .9 percent faster.
- (-) Increased the hurtbox on Bubble to help with dealing with it
- (+) Ledge Attack properly has invincibility now.
- (+) Made his crouching states quicker.
- (+) Forward Strong's hitbox reaches further into SpongeBob, hopefully having him miss the attack less.
- (+) Up Strong has an added thinner, but higher hixbox that covers the top of the rainbow.
- (~) SpongeBob now has added hitstop frames on his stronger attacks to better sell the impact.
- (~) Up Strong has sounds play during the attack as to not make it not sound empty.
V8.0.0 - Buff_Spunchbop.gif/SSB2 Anniversary Patch[]
- (+) Dash Attack has hitboxes more into SpongeBob.
- (+) Dash Attack Multihit has been improved.
- (-) Dash Attack damage decrease. ( 2, 4 > 1, 3 )
- (-) Dash Attack comes out 4 frames slower.
- (-) Dash Attack ends 4 frames later.
- (-) IASA has been removed.
- (+) Forward Strong sends at a steeper angle. ( A.40 > A.38 )
- (-) Forward Strong has less BKB. ( BKB.58 > BKB.50 )
- (-) Forward Strong has less KBG. ( KBG.78 > KBG.65 )
- (+) Forward Tilt comes out 1 frame quicker, and ends 5 frames quicker.
- (+) Forward Tilt has bigger hitboxes.
- (+) Back Air comes out 2 frames faster.
- (+) Back Air has 2 frames less endlag.
- (~) Aerial Side Special allows for slight side to side movement
- "Not sure what this will actually accomplish, but why not."
- (+) Down Tilt has slightly more disjoint.
- (+) Jab 2 has 4 frames less endlag.
- (+) Forward Air Sour has slightly more BKB. ( BKB.55 > BKB.60 )
- (+) Grab is 2 frames quicker.
- (+) Down Strong has higher KBG. ( KBG.60 > KBG.75 )
- (+) Up Tilt has 5 frames less endlag.
- (+) Weight Buff. (65 > 72)
- (+) Jab, Nair, and Back Air have slightly wider hitboxes that go into SpongeBob.
- (+) Forward Smash comes out 4 frames faster.
- (+) Forward Smash has more BKB and KBG. ( BKB.50 KBG.65 > BKB.60 KBG.70 )
- (+) Forward Smash has a farther reaching tipper hitbox added to the tip of the net. ( BKB.60 KBG.75 )
- (+) Forward Throw has slightly more KBG. ( KBG.65 > KBG.72 )
- (+) Back Air has slightly more BKB and KBG. ( BKB.80 KBG.70 > BKB.85 KBG.80 )
- (+) Down Air has more BKB and KBG. ( BKB.35 KBG.30 > BKB.45 KBG.50 )
- (-) Down Smash comes out 4 frames later.
- (+) Weight buff (72 > 76)
V8.2.0 - MuscleBob BuffPants. He's got Anchor Arms, and this time, they're not fake!
- (+) Up Strong hit 1 is slightly bigger.
- (+) Up Strong hit 1 has slightly improved linking into hit 2.
- (-) Up Strong hit 2 comes out 4 frames later.
- (+) Jab 1 does 1 more percent. ( 2 > 3 )
- (+) Jab 2 does 2 more percent. ( 3 > 5 )
- (+) Dash Attack Multihit has been improved.... Again. :/
- (+) Down Tilt Fist does 2 more percent. ( 7 > 9 )
- (+) Forward Air Fist does 2 more percent. ( 7 > 9 )
- (+) Up Tilt does 2 more percent. ( 5 > 7 )
- (+) Nair does 2 more percent. ( 5 > 7 )
- (+) Forward Throw does 2 more percent. ( 8 > 10 )
- (-) Up Throw does 1 less percent. ( 8 > 7 )
- (-) Down Strong takes longer to come out. ( F.11 > F.19)
- (~) Forward Air Fist, and Forward Smash Tipper have a new sweetspot sound.
- (~) SpongeBob has two more alts added.
- (~) SpongeBob's Render has been cleaned up a slight bit.
V8.2.1 - The "I actually hate multihits in Fraymakers" Quick Patch.
- This is intended to be SpongeBob's FINAL patch for a while.
- I feel he's in a good spot now where he's very capable of doing good.
- (~) Dash Attack ONCE AGAIN has improved multihits.
- (~) Up Air's Multihit has been improved.
- (~) Down Tilt Fist now acts as a proper sweetspot like Forward Air, and Forward Smash.
- (~) Fixed the sounds on Forward Throw not playing.
V8.2.2 - Look carefully at the, "I really wish I weren't here right now!" Patch!! :)
- (~) Up Air's Multihit has been improved... AGAIN
- (~) Fixed an issue with his Crash_Bounce state.
- SpongeBob can now be jablocked.
V8.3.0 - "SpongeBob Nerfs??? Finally something other than buffs" patch
- (+) Neutral Special now has 6 frames of B-Reversing frames.
- (+) Down Special now has 6 frames of B-Reversing frames.
- (-) Forward Air Fist has been decreased ( BKB.82 KBG.75 > BKB.70 BKG.68 )
- (-) Forward Air Fist hitbox timer has been reduced by 3 frames.
- (-) Down Throw has 2 more frames of endlag.
- (-) Down Throw has slightly more BKB ( BKB.55 > BKB.59 )
- (~) Adjusted the Patrick alt to be more accurate to SSB2.
- (~) Added 3 new alts.
V9.0.0 - the "Thank you, sir. I will squeak when it's ready" patch[]
- (-) Down Tilt Fist has 3 less active frames.
- (-) Down Tilt Arm has 2 less active frames.
- (-) Down Tilt has 2 more frames of startup.
- (-) Down Tilt has 2 more frames of endlag before the IASA.
- Down Air has been slightly reworked to function better:
- (-) Hurtboxes better follow SpongeBob.
- (+) Down Air now has a 5% weak sourspot if you miss the spike.
- (+) Down Air is slightly stronger.
- (~) Dash Attack scoops have been adjusted to connect better.
- (~) Up Air Multihits have been adjusted to connect better. [Do this]
- (-) Crouching hurtbox has been raised up by a little bit.
- Doing Down Tilt raises it higher more.
- (-) His normal ledge grabboxes have been nerfed to better resemble the character's size.
- (-) Up Strong has 6 more frames of endlag.
- (~) Being true to SSB2, SpongeBob now has the ability to look up while standing still. This serves absolutely no purpose aside from being a fun little attention to detail.
- There's a random chance for the "Weapon Swap" sound from SSB2 to play as an easter egg.
- (~) His AirDash FX properly follows the character direction.
- (~) Sound effects are louder.
- He also has a few more new sounds from SSB2.
- (~) SpongeBob now has his taunts, a normal taunt, and a down taunt.
- (~) Fixed Ledge roll animation & added a revamped intro animation with sounds from SSB2.
- (~) Release year has been updated to "2023".
- (~) SpongeBob has an updated Parry animation, based on his Parry from Toon All-Star Slam.
V9.1.0 - The SprinklerBong Polish patch.[]
- (-) Grab is active for 2 less frames.
- (-) Down Throw has slightly more BKB and KBG ( BKB.59 KBG.65 > BKB.60 KBG.67 ).
- (-) Down Throw has 2 more frames of endlag.
- (+) Forward Tilt has 2 less frames of startup.
- (+) Forward Tilt has 3 more frames of endlag.
- (+) Forward Strong has a new mechanic where it goes further if you fully charge it.
- There is a telegraph to this so that other players will have an easier time reacting to it.
- (-) Jab 2 has 4 more frames of endlag.
- (-) Up Tilt has 2 more frames of startup.
- (-) Neutral Special now has the Bubble Blow sound from Super SpongeBob 2, serving as a better telegraph for when he's about to blow one out.
- (~) Animation overhaul on Crash Bounce/Loop, Running, Hurt/Tumble, Grab, Run Turn/Skid, Down Throw, and Down Special.
- (~) Offset fixes on a few of his sprites.
- (~) Down Special, and Taunt 1 & 2 now stop when SpongeBob gets interrupted from them.
- (~) Has more sound effects from SSB2.
- (~) Up Strong should no longer "NASB spike" when at ledge.
- (~) Better CPU support.
- (~) Fixed his description to remove the "upcoming" part as his full game is out.
- SpongeBob shares some stuff from Nick All Star Brawl along with some moves from Toon All Star Slam.
- The latter being a project said creator is apart of the dev team on, permission was asked to borrow some attacks for the Fraymakers mod.
- This is the first fighter from the SpongeBob SquarePants series to be on the workshop.
- SSB2 SpongeBob is also one of the first 8-Bit styled fighters to be in the Fray workshop.
- SSB2 SpongeBob might have the first instance of a true Echo Fighter in FrayTools.
- SpongeBob's roll animation comes from The Cosmic Shake, making this the newest reference SpongeBob has.
- SpongeBob's render image is a loose reference to the box art from the SuperSponge PlayStation 1 video game.
- A good amount of animations were directly referenced from Super SpongeBob 2 as well as having a ton of unique animations.
- SpongeBob has a unique interaction with Mr. Krabs, a semi-meme character made by Kactus Guy.
- SpongeBob also has a unique interaction with SSB2 Patrick, that playing a special summoning sound directly taken from their source game.
- The last 8 alts are original alts based on other things not related to SpongeBob or Super SpongeBob 2.
Thank You Stephen Hillenburg: 8/21/1961 - 11/26/2018
Download Link:[]