Hemo is an upcoming playable character for Fraymakers currently in development. Hemo is the protagonist of the now shelved indie game Ruinous, co-created by Tyrant and SirToothbrush, and utilises specialised magic to shape their blood into various shapes, including spikes, knives, swords, battering rams, wings, and more. Hemo's Fraymakers adaptation is currently being developed exclusively by SirToothbrush.
In an undetermined year in the near future, mankind has had the existence of magic exposed to the greater world at large, leading to apocalyptic scales of unprecedented violence and chaos. Society as a whole collapsed (nuclear warfare is implied) and the elite among those with the ability to cast magic retreated to floating islands up in the sky, while the rest of the populace is left to fend for themselves in the shattered remains of cities and countries. Hemo is a scavenger on the surface, scrounging for materials to build themself an airship to take revenge on the denizens of the Islands. They come across an abandoned spellbook giving a very basic description of fluid mechanics and applications to magical combat, and while advanced, Hemo is able to figure out how to use basic blood attacks. Using their newfound ability, Hemo is quickly able to gather all the parts previously out of their reach, finish their airship and take to the skys, fighting through the various islands and gathering more advanced techniques as they go.
Hemo wears an eclectic collection of armour pieces scavenged from various bombed out locations on the ground (e.g. their shin pads are repurposed from cricket leg pads, their shoulder pads were taken from a museum exhibit), and wears a face mask with goggles which appear to glow slightly, along with a hood. No part of Hemo's body is exposed, and their true identity, appearance and gender is intentionally ambiguous. Most distinctively, there is a large tank on their back which is usually partially filled with blood, along with a faded red scarf wrapping around their neck.
Hemo predominantly attacks using blood magic, shaping the blood at their disposal into blades, bludgeons or projectiles, although they do use some melee attacks as well. In a later part of the (non-existent) game, Hemo's airship is raided by people with glowing white magical constructs in the shape of functional wings mid transit, and Hemo copies this technique while avoiding fire from the enemy, giving them the blood wings used in their up special.